Helpful Resources
It is important to have and know resources which can be helpful in strengthening the work done in therapy. We have carefully chosen literature which is easy to read and enhances ones own awareness of self outside of therapy. This list is not comprehensive and consists only of resources we have utilized with clients, ourselves, and which have been strongly recommended by our colleagues in therapy.
Identity is of utmost importance when seeking wellness. It is, perhaps, the number one reasons individual [and couples] seek therapy. While there are countless books which look at sexuality and identity formation, some of our favorites include:
The Color of Water-James McBridge
Love is an Orientation-Andrew Marin
Black Cool: One Thousand Streams of Blackness-Rebecca Walker
Go Tell It On The Mountain-James Baldwin
God Believes in Love-Bishop Gene Robinson
The Velvet Rage-Alan Downs
Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together-Beverly Tatum
Tell Me How It Ends-Valeria Luiselli
Behold the Dreamers-Imbolo Mbue
Brene Brown
Brene Brown happens to be one of our favorite clinical researchers. Her work on 'shame' and 'guilt' it relevant, easy to read, and has a huge impact on personal growth. She also has a number of great TedTalks. Our favorite reads include:
Daring Greatly
The Gifts of Imperfections
The Power of Vulnerability
C.S. Lewis
Although known for The Chronicles of Narnia, the works and words of C.S. Lewis are extremely therapeutic in nature. Less well known, yet amazing works include:
The Problem of Pain
The Four Loves
The Great Divorce
Increased Motivation
Books helpful for general thought & increased motivation can enhance therapeutic work done in session. These books provide great "food for thought" and challenge us to look inward for growth:
The Four Agreements-Don Miguel Ruiz
A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writing and Speeches of MLK
The Five Love Languages-Gary Chapman
Thinking Fast and Slow-Daniel Kahneman